Khamis, 3 Mei 2012

Kontrak KUIS: Syarikat Umno untung atas angin

Ekoran polemik mengenai pemansuhan PTPTN dan tawaran pendidikan percuma yang dibuat KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat, ada pihak yang cuba menempelak kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat kononnya supaya yuran pengajian dihapuskan di institusi pengajian tinggi swasta (IPTS) milik kerajaan negeri.

Hari ini, KEADILAN tampil dengan jawapan kepada hujah tersebut dengan memberi contoh bagaimana penyelewengan dan ketamakan pimpinan Umno yang mengambil kesempatan sepenuhnya dari dasar memperniagakan pendidikan yang dibawa Umno menjadi punca yuran pengajian yang tinggi dan membebankan pelajar.

Salah sebuah institusi utama yang dimiliki Kerajaan Selangor adalah Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS).

Pada tahun 2007, sebuah syarikat bernama Redha Resources Sdn Bhd (RRSB) telah dianugerahkan kontrak untuk membina asrama dan pusat pelajar bagi menampung keperluan 6,000 pelajar KUIS. Perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh Kerajaan Selangor pimpinan Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo menetapkan bahawa RRSB akan diberikan konsesi untuk membina dan menyewakan kembali kemudahan itu selama 33 tahun kepada KUIS.

RRSB ialah sebuah syarikat yang dikuasai oleh Sulaiman Abdul Razak, seorang pemimpin Umno Selangor yang juga ADUN Permatang. Beliau memiliki saham sebanyak 7,200,000 saham bersamaan 51% pegangan di dalam RRSB, sementara isteri beliau, Jamaliah Kamarudin pula memiliki 800,000 saham bersamaan 6% pegangan. Baki 43% pegangan dimiliki oleh Bina Puri Holdings Bhd iaitu syarikat sub-kontraktor yang menjalankan sepenuhnya operasi pembinaan dan penyenggaraan asrama.

(Sila lihat carian syarikat di Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia yang dilampirkan sebagai bukti pegangan saham)

RRSB disokong sepenuhnya oleh Kerajaan Selangor di bawah Umno. Malah, Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo menjadi saksi pemeteraian perjanjian pinjaman sebanyak RM125.8 juta di antara RRSB dan bank-bank pembiaya pada 3 Ogos 2007 untuk membiayai pembinaan asrama pelajar KUIS ini.

(Sila lihat keratan akhbar BERNAMA bertarikh 3 Ogos 2007)

Kontrak pembinaan ini kemudiannya diberikan kepada Bina Puri Holdings Bhd dengan RRSB hanyalah menjadi orang tengah. Dalam Laporan Tahunan 2006, Bina Puri Holdings Bhd melaporkan telah mendapat kontrak berjumlah RM96.1 juta untuk membina asrama dan pusat pelajar, yang dianugerahkan oleh RRSB.
Malangnya, dengan kos hanya sebanyak RM96.1 juta, RRSB yang dimiliki ADUN Permatang ini telah dianugerahkan konsesi asrama pelajar KUIS oleh kerajaan Umno di bawah pimpinan Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo selama 33 tahun pada kadar tahunan RM15.4 juta setahun. Maka, bagi sepanjang tempoh 33 tahun, RRSB milik ADUN Permatang akan mendapat durian runtuh sebanyak RM508 juta walaupun kesemua urusan hanyalah “atas angin” dan kosnya sekadar berjumlah RM97 juta sahaja iaitu keuntungan 524%.

Konsesi sewa asrama yang mahal dan berat sebelah ini membebankan pengurusan KUIS. Anggaran kadar sewa yang dikira berpatutan adalah lebih separuh dari kadar sekarang, iaitu sebanyak RM6 juta setahun.

Oleh kerana terikat dengan konsesi sewa asrama yang berat sebelah dan dimeterai semata-mata untuk menguntungkan pimpinan Umno, maka sehingga kini KUIS tidak dapat menurunkan yuran apatah lagi menanggung yuran secara percuma.

Pada prinsipnya juga, kerajaan Selangor di bawah Pakatan Rakyat tidak wajar menanggung yuran selagi konsesi berat sebelah berbau penyelewengan dan rasuah ini tidak ditamatkan serta merta. Jika yuran ditanggung, ia bermakna mengkayakan lagi pemimpin Umno yang sudah jelas bermewah atas kesengsaraan rakyat.

Oleh itu, saya mencabar supaya pimpinan Umno mengarahkan YB Sulaiman Abdul Razak menarik diri dari konsesi itu dengan sukarela agar kadar sewa asrama lebih adil dan tidak menindas pelajar di KUIS, sebelum pimpinan Umno ghairah menuding jari mendesak kerajaan Selangor melaksanakan pendidikan percuma.

Seperti yang ditegaskan KEADILAN, jika rasuah dan penyelewengan dibanteras, kerajaan mempunyai dana yang mencukupi untuk menyediakan pendidikan percuma.



Ekoran polemik mengenai pemansuhan PTPTN dan tawaran pendidikan percuma yang dibuat KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat, ada pihak yang cuba menempelak kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat kononnya supaya yuran pengajian dihapuskan di institusi pengajian tinggi swasta (IPTS) milik kerajaan negeri.

Hari ini, KEADILAN tampil dengan jawapan kepada hujah tersebut dengan memberi contoh bagaimana penyelewengan dan ketamakan pimpinan Umno yang mengambil kesempatan sepenuhnya dari dasar memperniagakan pendidikan yang dibawa Umno menjadi punca yuran pengajian yang tinggi dan membebankan pelajar.

Salah sebuah institusi utama yang dimiliki Kerajaan Selangor adalah Kolej Universiti Islam Selangor (KUIS).

Pada tahun 2007, sebuah syarikat bernama Redha Resources Sdn Bhd (RRSB) telah dianugerahkan kontrak untuk membina asrama dan pusat pelajar bagi menampung keperluan 6,000 pelajar KUIS. Perjanjian yang ditandatangani oleh Kerajaan Selangor pimpinan Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo menetapkan bahawa RRSB akan diberikan konsesi untuk membina dan menyewakan kembali kemudahan itu selama 33 tahun kepada KUIS.

RRSB ialah sebuah syarikat yang dikuasai oleh Sulaiman Abdul Razak, seorang pemimpin Umno Selangor yang juga ADUN Permatang. Beliau memiliki saham sebanyak 7,200,000 saham bersamaan 51% pegangan di dalam RRSB, sementara isteri beliau, Jamaliah Kamarudin pula memiliki 800,000 saham bersamaan 6% pegangan. Baki 43% pegangan dimiliki oleh Bina Puri Holdings Bhd iaitu syarikat sub-kontraktor yang menjalankan sepenuhnya operasi pembinaan dan penyenggaraan asrama.

(Sila lihat carian syarikat di Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia yang dilampirkan sebagai bukti pegangan saham)

RRSB disokong sepenuhnya oleh Kerajaan Selangor di bawah Umno. Malah, Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo menjadi saksi pemeteraian perjanjian pinjaman sebanyak RM125.8 juta di antara RRSB dan bank-bank pembiaya pada 3 Ogos 2007 untuk membiayai pembinaan asrama pelajar KUIS ini.

(Sila lihat keratan akhbar BERNAMA bertarikh 3 Ogos 2007 yang dilampirkan)

Kontrak pembinaan ini kemudiannya diberikan kepada Bina Puri Holdings Bhd dengan RRSB hanyalah menjadi orang tengah. Dalam Laporan Tahunan 2006, Bina Puri Holdings Bhd melaporkan telah mendapat kontrak berjumlah RM96.1 juta untuk membina asrama dan pusat pelajar, yang dianugerahkan oleh RRSB.

(Sila lihat Laporan Tahunan 2006 BPHB, muka surat 15 yang dilampirkan)

Malangnya, dengan kos hanya sebanyak RM96.1 juta, RRSB yang dimiliki ADUN Permatang ini telah dianugerahkan konsesi asrama pelajar KUIS oleh kerajaan Umno di bawah pimpinan Dato’ Seri Khir Toyo selama 33 tahun pada kadar tahunan RM15.4 juta setahun. Maka, bagi sepanjang tempoh 33 tahun, RRSB milik ADUN Permatang akan mendapat durian runtuh sebanyak RM508 juta walaupun kesemua urusan hanyalah “atas angin” dan kosnya sekadar berjumlah RM97 juta sahaja iaitu keuntungan 524%.

(Sila rujuk Penyata Pendapatan MAIS dari Laporan Tahun 2010, “Kos Jualan: Sewa Asrama” berjumlah RM15.4 juta setahun yang dilampirkan)

Konsesi sewa asrama yang mahal dan berat sebelah ini membebankan pengurusan KUIS. Anggaran kadar sewa yang dikira berpatutan adalah lebih separuh dari kadar sekarang, iaitu sebanyak RM6 juta setahun.

Oleh kerana terikat dengan konsesi sewa asrama yang berat sebelah dan dimeterai semata-mata untuk menguntungkan pimpinan Umno, maka sehingga kini KUIS tidak dapat menurunkan yuran apatah lagi menanggung yuran secara percuma.

Pada prinsipnya juga, kerajaan Selangor di bawah Pakatan Rakyat tidak wajar menanggung yuran selagi konsesi berat sebelah berbau penyelewengan dan rasuah ini tidak ditamatkan serta merta. Jika yuran ditanggung, ia bermakna mengkayakan lagi pemimpin Umno yang sudah jelas bermewah atas kesengsaraan rakyat.

Oleh itu, saya mencabar supaya pimpinan Umno mengarahkan YB Sulaiman Abdul Razak menarik diri dari konsesi itu dengan sukarela agar kadar sewa asrama lebih adil dan tidak menindas pelajar di KUIS, sebelum pimpinan Umno ghairah menuding jari mendesak kerajaan Selangor melaksanakan pendidikan percuma.

Seperti yang ditegaskan KEADILAN, jika rasuah dan penyelewengan dibanteras, kerajaan mempunyai dana yang mencukupi untuk menyediakan pendidikan percuma.

2 MEI 2012

Rabu, 2 Mei 2012

Bersih 3.0 Kelam Kabutkan Ibu Pejabat Umno

Himpunan raksasa Berish 3.0 memberi pukulan maut kepada penguasa dan petugas parti di Ibu Pejabat Umno Jalan Sutltan Ismail. Khabarnya semua orang di Ibu Pejabat Umno seakan hilang akal dan bersih membuat mereka kelam kabut macam kekaraman kapal di tengah samudra. Para penasihat politik Umno dan juga Perdana Menteri kehilangan punca dan menjadi 'selak' beberapa ketika untuk memikir bagaimana hendak counter Bersih 3.0.
Teaku Adnan Mansor
Orang paling sibuk dan 'bergelacar' katanya Teuku Adnan Mansor. Banjiran manusia berpakaian kuning dan hijau di ibu kota kelmarin dulu menyebabkan Adnan tidak lena tidur. Bagun tidak kena, tidur apa lagi. Berjalan pun tidak kena kesasan tubuh juga sirna. Kopi terasa amat pahit, milo dirasakan masam, nascafe pula menjadi terlalu lemai. Pendeknya deria rasa hilang apabila Bersih berjaya mengeruhkan air nsungai Klang dan sungai Gombak.
 Begitu juga pemimpin Umno lain juga jadi 'terkaba-kaba' dalam tidur. Hanya Udin anak Yassin sahaja tersenyum lebar melihat gelagat mereka dan juga kesan Bersih. Kenapa? Mudah sahaja untuk difahami matemetika politik ini, Udin anak Yassin suka kalau Najib tertekan dengan Bersih sebab dia boleh mengayung kaki ke kerusi presiden Umno?

Kini Ibu Pejabat Umno sedang memikirkan sesuatu untuk membendung impak dan aura himpunan berkenaan. Kesan himpunan itu kini sudah mulai merebak dan menyelinap ke dalam sudut hati banyak orang. Ia bukan saja meruap di Kuala lumpur di kalangan pegawai kerajaan, mahasiswa, pekerja, boroh atau pemandu teksi dan bas Rapid KL tetap jauh ke seantero dunia, termasuk ke pelusuk desa dan kampung, di kalangan petani, nelayan dan juga mat rempit.
Laksana apa yang berlaku kepada isu projek lembu gemuk (NFC) laki Sharizat, isu Bersih sudah diperkatakan di merata tempat. Ia menjadi butiran zikir dan juadah endak di keda-kedai kopi, kedai gunting rambut dan juga market. Semua memperkatakannya; mengenai kejayaan Bersih dan kekejaman polis kepada para himpunan. Membimbangkan juga mereka menanti pilihan raya untuk menterjemahkan kemarahan dan kegeraman mereka itu.

Rakyat mempertikikan himpunan itu dan juga perilaku pihak berkuasa ke atas peserta himpunan itu yang dianggap kasar dan keterlaluan. Apapun alasan rakyat tidak boleh menerima melihat aksi-aksi ganas polis yang dipaparkan dalam you-tube. Makcik dan pakcik di kampung juga melengung panjang bila anak-anak mereka menunjukkan you tube itu kepada mereka. Mereka mungkin tidak tahu menggunakan internet, tetapi mereka memiliki anak-anak yang mahir dalam bidang IT.

Mereka tidak peduli apakah video yang dipertontonkan kepada mereka itu benar atau tidak, yang penting mereka dapat tenguk sendiri bagaimana lebih 20 orang polis trafik memukul dan membelasah seorang peserta. Gelagak sadis semacam burung hereng hendak menelan bangkai itu sudah melekat di kepala mereka dan ia tidak mudah untuk ditanggalkan kandati dibayar RM500.

Saya percaya mereka juga menonton dan tengok video dirakam oleh Polis. Tetapi mereka akan jadi pesimis dan meraguinya kerana mereka sudah tahu yang kerja dan tugas polis kepada Umno. Polis akan membuat seuatu yang baik kepada Umno dan akan melakukan atau memberi gambaran jahat kepada pembangkang. Bukan tidak ada polis yang ikut dibelasah, tetapi mereka merasakan hukuman itu adil bagi polis kerana mereka (polis) dalam keadaan sedia dengan peralatan perang yang lengkap sedangkan peserta Bersih hanya ada sebotol air mineral.

Dalam konteks perjuangan yang diheret dan dibawa Anwar Ibrahim, selamanya para penyokongnya dan para simpati dengan perjuangannya tidak dapat menerima kebaikan polis. Bagi mereka polis selamanya jahat dan berniat huduh dengan Anwar. Mereka tetap mengingati peristiwa kejam bekas Ketua Polis Negara Rahim Noor yang memukul Anwar sehingga mata kawan itu lebam. Kejadian itu sehingga memaksa kerajaan menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja tidak akan terlupa sampai ke liang lahad.

Kejadian dan insiden itu telah terpahat dalam ingatan dan mereka menganggap polis-polis yang ada hari ini adalah peninggalan Rahim Noor. Budaya yang diterima pakai ini adalah budaya Rahim Noor. Ismail Omar gagal untuk mengikis budaya brutal polis itu. Mereka sudah termakan najis atau kencing Rahim Noor. Dengan apa yang berlaku di himpunan Bersih rakyat menganggap tranfosrmasi terhadap polis yang diharapkan masih belum berlaku.

Persepsi dan realiti itu semualah yang merisaukan orang ibu pejabat Umno. Dari sumber dalaman memberi tahu, petugas ibu pejabat dan Adnan Mansor sedang memikirkan sesuatu untuk bertindak. Mereka perlu menjawab dan menjelas segera apa yang berlaku kepada rakyat. Sekiranya lambat menyebabkan persepsi buruk kepada UBN makin menebal dan akhirnya mereka akan 'menjuah' dan  menolak Umno.
Bersih 3.0 didomonasi orang Cina?
Untuk tujuan itu, ibu pejabat Umno mahu memastikan perayaan hari ulang tahun Umno ke 66 pada 11 hingga 13 Mei ini perlu diadakan sebesar-besarnya. Perayaan dicadangkan di Bukit Jalil itu yang mula menganggarkan kehadiran 100,000 tetapi kini Umno meletakkan sasaran 500,000. Iya angka itu barulah sepadan dengan jumlah yang berhimpun di Bersih: Duduk dan Bantah itu yang mencapai jumlah 250,000.

Lantaran itu katanya semua petugas parti bermula di ibu pejabat sampai ke peringkat bahagian kena memastikan perayaan itu dihadiri 500,000. Untuk tujuan itu segala keperluan terutamanya wang ringgit di tambah. Mungkin kalau peserta Bersih dilaporkan oleh media Penjilat Bntut diupah RM150 seorang, maka mereka yang bakal hadir pada perayaan Umno akan mendapat durian runtuh sampai RM500.00 setiap orang.

Umno akan melakukan apa saja demi untuk membunuh semangat Bersih. Kalau angka itu tidak tercapai, ini bererti Umno akan malu besar. Umno sangat memerlukan khalayak seramai itu bagi membolehkan parti itu memendekkan penantian bagi mengadakan pilihan raya umum. Umno tidak sanggup untuk menanti lebih lama lagi, kerana lagi lama lagi buruk keadaannya. Ibarat penghidap barah, lagi lama menanti untuk pembedahan keadaan lagi parah. Umno kini berada dalam stage four.

"Tidak ada jalan lain untuk mengatasi Bersih dengan kita mengumpulkan orang seramai mungkin. Berapa banyak wang perlu dibelanjakan, belanjalah. Kita ini umpama pesalah yang sedang menanti hukuman gantung mandoteri. Sebelum dihukum kita dibenarkan meminta apa saja makanan yang kita mahu, nah kita belanjalah sebanyak mungkin kerana untuk menyelamatkan kita," begitulah ucap seorang pemikiran Umno yang sangat risau dengan nasib Umno kini.

Jadi bersiap sedialah seluruh ahli Umno yang didakwa ada lebih 3 juta nyawa itu untuk memenuhi stadium Bukit Jalil. Tunjukkan kekuatan anda sekalian kerana parti anda kini memerlukan life support yang terakhir untuk anda terus bernafas. Kalau perlu hunuskan keris, hunuslah. Mat ... Mat Maslan apa macam sekarang, sihat ke?

Gaji minimum hanya sandiwara Najib – PSM

KUALA LUMPUR 1 Mei: Pengumuman gaji minimum oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak hanya bersifat sandiwara bagai memancing undi menjelang pilihan raya, kata Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Choo Chon Kai.
“Selain paras gaji minimum yang diumumkan jauh kurang daripada apa yang dituntut oleh gerakan masyarakat, pelaksanaan tersebut hanya akan berlaku selepas enam bulan dan kemunginan besar akan ditunda lagi seperti yang berlaku kepada pegawal keselamatan.
“Kalau kerajaan Umno BN benar-benar ingin melaksanakan gaji minimum, sepatutnya ia dilakukan sekarang. Apabila hak pekerja dituntut, maka taktik melambatkan menjadi lumrah pemerintah,” katanya pada kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau menyifatkan tindakan terbaru Najib itu yang bakal senasib dengan pengumumannya sebelum ini berhubung gaji minimum untuk pegawal keselamatan.
Malah katanya, kerajaan BN sebelum ini tidak berniat untuk melindungi hak pekerja bahkan sanggup menggadaikannya demi menjaga keuntungan kroni dan pemodal besar.
“Tuntutan pekerja di Malaysia yang perlu ditunaikan segera demi menjamin kesejahteraan hidup adalah gaji minimum RM1,500, jaminan kerja, kawalan harga barang, kebebasan menubuhkan Kesatuan Sekerja, bebas daripada beban cukai GST (Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan), perumahan selesa dan penghentian penswastaan perkhidmatan asas.
“Semua tuntutan tersebut tidak mungkin jadi realiti dengan kerajaan Umno BN sekarang yang hanya tahu merompak rakyat biasa untuk kapitalis,” kata Chon Kai.
Malam tadi, Najib mengumumkan kadar gaji minimum kebangsaan bagi sektor swasta sebanyak RM900 sebulan atau RM4.33 sejam untuk Semenanjung manakala Sabah, Sarawak dan Labuan pula RM800 atau RM3.85 sejam.
Perdana Menteri berkata, gaji minimum itu akan meliputi semua pekerja termasuk pekerja asing dalam semua sektor ekonomi, kecuali perkhidmatan domestik seperti pembantu rumah dan tukang kebun.

Fitnah jahat bersiri menjelang PRU13 - Azmin

Saya mengecam sekeras-kerasnya fitnah yang ditohmah ke atas diri saya bertujuan untuk mengaibkan saya dan keluarga. Fitnah jelek ini disebarkan oleh media yang dikuasai Umno yang memetik sumber blog pro Umno.

Fitnah ini memaparkan seorang lelaki yang mereka tohmah sebagai saya bersama seorang wanita di dalam tandas. Saya menafikan sekeras-kerasnya fitnah tersebut. Ianya adalah fitnah ulangan menggunakan modus operandi yang sama yang digunakan terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Saya amat kesal memandangkan tindakan ini adalah fitnah bersiri terhadap saya dan keluarga selepas fitnah jijik ke atas isteri dan anak saya, disusuli dengan dakwaan pemilikan saham kemudiannya saya dituduh menghina Raja-Raja Melayu dan baru-baru ini saya ditohmah mencetuskan provokasi dalam Himpunan Aman Bersih 3.0.

Sebelum ini saya dan isteri serta anak kecil saya telahpun melakukan ujian DNA sebanyak dua kali dalam bulan Julai 1998. Kedua-dua keputusan ujian tersebut menempelak fitnah ke atas saya, isteri dan keluarga. Hasil ujian jelas menyebut serta mengesahkan saya dan isteri merupakan 'biological parent' kepada anak kami. Ujian DNA tersebut sekaligus memelihara maruah saya dan keluarga.

'The results from all three genetic loci show that the donor of blood specimen marked 'X' (putative father) is the biological father of the donor of the blood specimen marked 'Y' (child). '

Namun Umno masih mengulangi fitnah kejam tersebut sepanjang 14 tahun ini walaupun bukti sudah jelas lagi nyata bahawa tuduhan mereka terhadap saya dan keluarga merupakan pembohongan semata-mata.

Setelah kesemua fitnah tidak berjaya, mereka mengulangi skrip usang fitnah seks yang memualkan untuk mengaib dan mematahkan semangat saya. Fitnah jahat seperti ini diulang- ulang untuk membentuk persepsi rakyat terhadap maruah dan kredibiliti saya menjelang pilihan raya. Munculnya fitnah ini tatkala Umno dihimpit krisis keyakinan dan menjadi sasaran kemarahan rakyat selepas perhimpunan BERSIH adalah untuk mengalih pandangan rakyat dari isu sebenar iaitu isu penipuan pilihan raya dan penyelewengan dana awam.

Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa saya tetap tuntas dengan perjuangan membawa obor reformasi demi rakyat.

Saya menyeru kepada pimpinan Umno supaya menghentikan budaya politik fitnah yang boleh menghancurkan negara dan masyarakat. Saya akan terus bersama-sama pimpinan KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menjana perubahan dan membawa kemenangan rakyat dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke 13.

Presiden...jangan jadikan Cuepacs pentas politik kamu

Kenyataan Presiden Cuepacs, Datuk Omar Osman, dalam siaran berita 6 petang, Radio IKIM pada 30 April yang berbunyi “Cuepacs menuntut penganjur Bersih 3.0 membayar pampasan kewangan kepada pengamal-pengamal media dan polis-polis yang cedera dalam perhimpunan Bersih 3.0”, telah menelanjangi sikap sebenar beliau dalam menggunakan pentas Cuepacs untuk kepentingan politik peribadi beliau.

Beliau hanya bergantung kepada alat-alat propaganda BN yang pastinya tidak akan menyiarkan berita yang benar, sebagai sumber maklumat beliau. Beliau tidak meneliti media-media lain bagi mengimbangkan pandangan beliau. Media bebas The Sun pada hari Isnin 30 April ada memaparkan di muka hadapan gambar PM Najib menziarahi jurugambar The Sun, Radzi Razak yang terlantar di katil hospital kerana cedera akibat dibelasah oleh 7 hingga 8 orang polis, sebagaimana dakwaan Radzi Razak sendiri. Menteri yang menjaga polis, Hishammuddin pula di muka yang sama akhbar berkenaan, berjanji akan mengambil tindakan tegas ke atas anggota-anggota polis yang terlibat.

Sejak bila pula Cuepacs terlibat menjaga kebajikan pengamal-pengamal media, yang pastinya mereka adalah kakitangan sektor swasta? Sudahkah beliau mendapat mandat dari ahli-ahli Cuepacs untuk menjadi hero kepada kakitangan swasta? Yang pastinya, tidak akan ada mandat! Sebabnya, majoriti kakitangan awam meluat kepada BN!

Wahai Datuk Presiden…kalau pun kamu ada cita-cita hendak menjadi Presiden UMNO, janganlah kamu gunakan pentas Cuepacs!

Isnin, 30 April 2012

Bersih 3.0… Kelmarin Dalam Sejarah

A protester throws back a tear gas canister at riot police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Thousands of protesters who had been confronting police outside the city's historic Merdeka Square were scattered after riot police fired water cannon and then at least 10 rounds of tear gas into the crowd. The police said they had been forced to react after protesters tried to force their way through barriers and enter the square.
Protesters march down a street during a rally in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fire tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months. Picture taken April 28, 2012.
Protestors march during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim (C) speaks to the protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Malaysian police drag away a protestor during an anti-government rally in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors  look at an overturned car during a mass rally organized by Bersih 3.0 calling for electoral reform in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police look at a damaged police car during a mass rally organized by Bersih 3.0 calling for electoral reform in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Bukti kezaliman polis yang merempuh rakyat jelata…cerita sebenar dengan Video yg jelas berlambak kat Youtube
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's daughter Nurul Izzah (L) waits to address the crowd during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim (2nd R) along with his wife Wan Azizah (R) wave as they march towards the historical Merdeka Square during a mass rally organized by Bersih 3.0 calling for electoral reform in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor listens to speeches by the leaders during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police block protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protesters man scaffolding on a building near Merdaka Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester kicks away a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim (C) speaks to protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protesters take cover inside a building after Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) charged and fired tear gas towards protesters on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors cover their noses and mouths from tear gas during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors challenge police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors take refuge after being tear gased by police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim addresses protesters near Merdaka Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters charge at a police vehicle as it sprays them with its water cannons in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester throws back a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Protesters burst through the razor wire barricades outside Merdaka Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Malaysian police fired tear gas at protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters hold Malaysian national flag and shout at Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Malaysian riot police form a barricade to stop protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Riot police spray water cannon at protesters at Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
A protester kicks a tear gas canister back to the police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protesters run away from tear gas fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protestor throws back a tear gas canister towards the police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protester, center,  is taken by a Malaysian police officer during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Protesters run away from tear gas fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters run away from tear gas fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) spray water cannon at protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Hundreds of anti-government protestors march towards the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired teargas and water cannon as crowds of protesters demanding electoral reforms surged into a central square in Kuala Lumpur. The rally follows one that was crushed by police last July, when 1,600 people were arrested, and marks a major test for Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has sought to portray himself as a reformer ahead of widely expected polls.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) fire tear gas towards protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protesters run for cover from water cannon used by police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A protester runs amidst the tear gas and water cannon fired by the police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Thousands of protesters who had been confronting police outside the city's historic Merdeka Square were scattered after riot police fired water cannon and then at least 10 rounds of tear gas into the crowd. The police said they had been forced to react after protesters tried to force their way through barriers and enter the square.
Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Thousands of anti-government protesters gather near an intersection near the Pudu bus station, before marching on to Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A protester lies on the road to stop a riot police vehicle firing water cannon from advancing during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Thousands of protesters who had been confronting police outside the city's historic Merdeka Square were scattered after riot police fired water cannon and then at least 10 rounds of tear gas into the crowd. The police said they had been forced to react after protesters tried to force their way through barriers and enter the square.
A protester throws back a tear gas canister at riot police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Thousands of protesters who had been confronting police outside the city's historic Merdeka Square were scattered after riot police fired water cannon and then at least 10 rounds of tear gas into the crowd. The police said they had been forced to react after protesters tried to force their way through barriers and enter the square.

8.00pm... Mereka sangat Zalim... Ini buktinya

Menurut polis, sehingga jam 7 petang tadi, seramai 222 orang telah ditahan…Kesalahannya Apa? Demo secara Aman,bertukar menjadi kelam kabut akibat kezaliman polis…depa tembak dengan Gas pemedih mata,sembur dengan air kimia…beginikah caranya kerajaan melayan tuntutan rakyat jelata…
Protesters charge at a police vehicle as it sprays them with its water cannons in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police officers jump in the air to avoid tear gas shells thrown back by protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protester throws a tear gas canister back at police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
A protester kicks away a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
A protester throws back a tear gas canister fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Protestors challenge police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away an arrested protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police drag away a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Macam negara tidak bertamadun….Tak malukah kita pada dunia yang menonton peristiwa ini…
Anti-riot police block protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor shows solidarity with an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
ALTERNATE CROP OF XKL124 - Protesters encounter Malaysian police, not in photo,  during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers, most of whom are not wearing gas masks, prepare to fire tear gas at protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police remove a protester sitting in front of riot police in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Protestors clash with police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protesters take cover from tear gas fired by the police during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A plain clothed police officer (R) takes aways a protestor during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A foreign protester was arrested by police during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
A protester lies in front of a water cannon truck during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon.
Protesters overturn a police car during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Police unleashed tear gas and chemical-laced water at thousands of demonstrators who staged one of Malaysia's largest street rallies in years, demanding fair rules for national elections expected soon. (AP Photo) MALAYSIA OUT.
Protestors flee as water canon is sprayed to disperse demonstrators during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Protestors are surrounded by tear gas during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) fire tear gas towards protesters after they breached the barbed wire perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police march to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
A protestor throws back a tear gas canister towards the police during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) officers try to disperse a tear gas canister after a protester threw it back at them during a confrontation on a street near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon in clashes with thousands of protesters demanding electoral reforms on Saturday, raising the risk of a political backlash that could delay national polls which had been expected within months.
Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Anti-riot police fire tear gas to disperse protestors during an anti-government rally near the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.
Police scuffle with protesters during clashes in Kuala Lumpur, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of protesters who converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre to demand electoral reforms, raising the risk of a backlash against the government in national elections expected within months. Riot police reacted after some protesters among the crowd of at least 25,000 tried to break through barriers, in defiance of a court order banning them from entering the city's historic Merdeka Square. They fired several dozen tear gas rounds, sending the protesters scattering through nearby streets.
Riot police fire tear gas at protesters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian police fired tear gas and chemical-laced water Saturday at thousands of demonstrators demanding an overhaul in electoral policies that they call biased ahead of national polls expected soon. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.

4.00pm.... Lautan manusia bergabung ... gas pemedih mata dilepaskan

Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Protesters of the Bersih (Clean) group shout slogans near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Malaysian police fire tear gas to protesters during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Mereka mula menyerang …gas pemedih mata mula ditembak…Ya Allah …janganlah buat kerja zalim macam ni…rakyat hanya mahukan jaminan keadilan dalam Pilihanraya…
Shoes and rubbish are seen on a street as protesters run away at background during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Protesters run away from tear gas fired by Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. At least 25,000 demonstrators had swamped Malaysia's largest city in one of the Southeast Asian nation's biggest street rallies in the past decade.
Depa halau rakyat macam lembu kerbau….zalimmm

3.00pm ... Kerja tangkap sudah bermula

Malaysia's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim gestures as he arrives at a Bersih (clean) reform rally, near Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Up to 20,000 protesters calling for fair elections and greater accountability marched on Kuala Lumpur's center on Saturday in a show of force that will test the Malaysian government's reformist pledges and may affect the timing of national polls.
polis..kamu jgn dok kasar dg kami…kami demo cara aman
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, center, talks to a police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012.
Protesters sit in front of a line of Malaysian police during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
A protester holds a portrait of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Malaysian women sit down during a protest in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
A protester is led away by a policeman in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Riot police stand ready in Merdaka Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. More than 15,000 demonstrators swamped Malaysia's largest city Saturday to demand an overhaul in electoral policies perceived as biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Police pin down a protester as they chase down demonstrators who broke a police cordon near the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Up to 20,000 protesters calling for fair elections and greater accountability marched on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday in a show of force that will test the Malaysian government's reformist pledges and may affect the timing of national polls.
Kami bukan pengganas,kami bukan bawa bom pun…layanlah kami dengan elok…
Riot police stand ready in Merdaka Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. More than 15,000 demonstrators swamped Malaysia's largest city Saturday to demand an overhaul in electoral policies perceived as biased ahead of national polls expected soon.
Police form a human barricade to prevent anti-government protesters from marching on Jalan Ampang in front of KLCC in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Up to 20,000 protesters calling for fair elections and greater accountability marched on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday in a show of force that will test the Malaysian government's reformist pledges and may affect the timing of national polls.
Protesters march through the central business district in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Supporters of Malaysian electoral reforms pressure group known as Bersih 2.0. sit near Independence Square during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012.
Malaysian flags fly as thousands of protesters line the streets in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Protesters march down a street during a rally near Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.

2.50 pm ....Lautan Menuju Ke Dataran

Protesters march on a street during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Protesters march on a street during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Protesters hold placards reading "Bersih," meaning "Clean" in Malay during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Protesters lie down on a major intersection in the central business district in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Anti-government protestors march past Malaysia's iconic twin towers as they proceed to the historical Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters gathered in the Malaysian capital to demand electoral reforms, defying a lockdown of central Kuala Lumpur that left it a maze of razor wire and barricades.

2.00 PM ... Sudah Bermula....Allah Akbar

Protesters walk on a street during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Malaysian flags fly as thousands of protesters line the streets in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Supporters of Malaysian electoral reforms pressure group known as Bersih 2.0. sit near Independence Square during a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012.
A motorist films protesters as the march through the central business district in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Police move to try and stop a group of protesters as they march through the central business district in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Police run to stop a group of protesters after they broke a police cordon near the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, center, attends a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012.
A lone protester stands in front of a line of police in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
Protesters form a line outside the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Thousands of people gathered near Kuala Lumpur's Independence Square to seek sweeping changes in polling regulations to curb fears of fraud in elections that many speculate will be held in June.
A protester with a message taped over his mouth takes part in the Bersih (Clean) rally near Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Merdeka (Independence) Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
A protester wearing a gas mask sits near Independence Square before the start of a rally to demand for electoral reforms in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012.
 11.00 Standby semua... Kita terajang siapa yg cuba masuk ke Dataran
Police stand guard behind barricades and constantina wire during a protest by the Bersih (Clean) group at Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Women protesters of the Bersih (Clean) group gather near Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Thousands of protesters calling for fair elections converged on Kuala Lumpur's centre on Saturday for a major demonstration that will test the Malaysian government's reformist credentials and may affect the timing of national polls. Police have shut down much of the city centre and closed off the historic Square with barriers and barbed wire, enforcing a court order that the protesters should not enter the symbolically important site.
Jangan terajang atau tembak kami macam Bashar Assad buat kat Syria pulak…kami hanya mahu menuntut keadilan dalam sistem pilihanraya di Malaysia sahaja….tunaikan tuntutan kami,nescaya kami akan bersurai…

9.30am.... Welcome To Tel Aviv

Police stand guard behind a sign left by protesters on the barbed wire fence perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police, backed by helicopters, sealed off the country's independence square on Friday to prevent a mass rally by an opposition-backed reform group campaigning for free and fair elections.
Police stand guard behind a sign left by protesters on the barbed wire fence perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, inKuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police, backed by helicopters, sealed off the country’s independence square on Friday to prevent a mass rally by an opposition-backed reform group campaigning for free and fair elections.
Police officers stand guard behind a barbed wire fence perimeter around Dataran Merdeka, also known as Independence Square, in Kuala Lumpur April 28, 2012. Malaysian police, backed by helicopters, sealed off the country's independence square on Friday to prevent a mass rally by an opposition-backed reform group campaigning for free and fair elections.

8.00am Independence Square.... mereka dah berkumpul lebih awal lagi..... cisss

Malaysian police gather around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.
A Malaysian police sets up a road block on the road leading to Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.
Malaysian police gather around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.
Malaysian police gather around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.
Barbed wire perimeter fence is installed around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.
Barbed wire perimeter fence is installed around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square inKuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012
Kuala Lumpur City Hall enforcement officers stand near barbed wire perimeter fence, installed around Dataran Merdeka, known as Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, April 28, 2012. Malaysian authorities on Friday sealed off parts of a public square where activists plan to stage a high-pro.